Erasmus+ Kapsamında Bilişim Teknolojileri Dersimiz Konumuz Hardware ( Donanım )
SÜMER SECONDARY SCHOOLINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND SOFTWARE COURSE DAILY PLANCLASS: 5. GRADESUNIT: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESSUBJECT: WHAT I SEE ON MY COMPUTER AND WHAT I DON'T SEETARGETS:1. Explain the basic concepts and functions of the computer system.2. Gives examples of input and output units.DURATION: 2 LESSON HOURSMATERIALS USED:Smart board, "What's Outside? What's Inside?" Presentation, "Hardware" Video, "Inside? Outside?" activityLEARNED WORDS: Computer, Hardware, Software, Input, Output, Inside, OutsideCURRICULUM :"What is a Computer?" the students are asked. With the help of the answers received, the definition of the computer is tried to be made."What's Outside? What's Inside?" With the help of the presentation, the concept of hardware is given. The concepts of internal and external hardware are explained.Hardware parts are introduced and their functions are explained. "Drink? Outside?" The subject is reinforced by doing the activity.Learned hardware parts are categorized as input, output, and both input and output with students.ASSESMENT AND EVALUATION :In order to measure the information they have learned, a test is created and given as homework for students to answer at home at